A Weekend Meander

My blind debossed "thank you" note cards got featured in this charming Etsy treasury called "A Weekend Meander". This list was curated by a fellow Canadian Collective Shops member Lily of SoapBliss. Thank you Lily!

Image source: https://www.etsy.com/treasury/ODEwNDc2N3wyNzI1MDQ0NDUx/a-weekend-meander

Image source: https://www.etsy.com/treasury/ODEwNDc2N3wyNzI1MDQ0NDUx/a-weekend-meander

Q&A Letterbox

Last month I was lucky enough to have my letterpress printed products featured in the June Q&A Letterbox and it was such a fun experience!

Q&A Letterbox is a Toronto-based monthly greeting card subscription service that features independent Canadian designers and companies. Their motto is: "Spreading the love, one mailbox at a time!" Q&A Letterbox is curated by greeting card designer, Queenie Best of quennie's cards, and avid letter writer and stationery blogger at 8ballons,  Andrea Raymond-Wong

Image source: http://www.qandaletterbox.com/ 

Image source: http://www.qandaletterbox.com/ 

Below is a glimpse at the June Q&A Letterbox which featured my letterpress printed blind debossed "hello" note card and "listen to your heart" wood veneer note.

Image source: http://www.qandaletterbox.com/reveals/june-reveal/ 

Image source: http://www.qandaletterbox.com/reveals/june-reveal/ 

The June Letterbox also featured lovely products from Double Dare Print StudioJonesy, Omiyage and the fantastic “Snail Mail Forever” postcards with lettering by Love Lettering. I was certainly in great company!

I was also asked to participate in their fun "Q&A with the Artists" series which are featured on their blog. You can check it out here.

It was such a pleasure to work with Queenie and Andrea on the June Letterbox and to contribute my work to their amazing project. I wish them all the best!

And if you are a stationery lover, be sure to check out Q&A Letterbox's website for more information on how to subscribe and for a glimpse at their July Letterbox which was just revealed. You won't be disappointed! 


noun | re·sil·ience | \ri-ˈzil-yən(t)s\
1. the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens
2. the ability of something to return to its original shape after it has been pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc.
— http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/resilience

Spring has finally sprung here in Ottawa and I got to do a bit of yard work today. While raking some of last year's leaves I noticed a sea of blue spring flowers on the side of our backyard. I walked closer to give them a closer look and what I noticed is that some of them are actually sprucing through the dried leaves! Well, if that is not resilience then I don't know what is. 

Using the Merriam Webster definition of the word "resilience" it is clear to see that, in nature as in life, resilience is often one of the most important qualities to possess. So here is to resilience - today, tomorrow and always. 

Books & Letterpress

Today I worked on a little project that combines my love of books with my love of letterpress. What better way to bring these two together than in a form of a bookmark!

bookmark 1

Seems that physical books are becoming more and more overlooked and devalued these days. For me however, no Kobo reader will ever be able to replace the beauty of holding a book in my hands and flipping through its pages in that real tangible way. 

bookmark 2

This bookmark was printed on my antique printing press, the Golding Pearl Improved No.11, using metal ornaments that were set by hand. No ink was used during the printing process, which resulted in a beautiful and delicate blind deboss.

bookmark 3
bookmark 4

You can now find this bookmark in my Etsy shop

The Canadian Collective Giveaway!

Seventeen members of The Canadian Collective, including Impressus, are taking part in a wonderful giveaway. The lucky winner will be gifted with a beautiful assortment of handmade and vintage items, as pictured below, which were donated by such talented artisans.

Image source: http://www.thecanadiancollective.com/2015/02/canadian-collective-give-away.html

Image source: http://www.thecanadiancollective.com/2015/02/canadian-collective-give-away.html

impressus contributed a letterpress print featuring a quote by John Burroughs {Leap and the net will appear} as well as two different wood veneer notes. 

Image source: http://www.thecanadiancollective.com/2015/02/canadian-collective-give-away.html

The giveaway will close at 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Valentine's Day, February 14, and there is still time to enter. Visit The Canadian Collective website for more information and contest details. Good luck! 

Welcome to my studio!

Here is a 'behind the scenes' look into my creative space. It is close quarters, but I was able to maximize the space I have and create a studio that works for me.


A desk with a computer and enough space for trimming paper and scoring cards is a must.


I also have a little station that I use for setting and locking type or when working with polymer plates. This is also where I store my printing supplies.


And then there is my favourite corner of the room where my beautiful Golding Pearl Improved No. 11 stands proudly. She is very size-efficient when it comes to how much space she actually occupies, but don't be fooled, she still weighs over 700 lbs!


And then there is anything from inks and metal type to books and inspiring prints. 

I really like seeing the spaces that other artists use for their creative processes and I hope you also enjoyed this tour of my little print studio. And although I daydream of having a larger and better lit space, I love this room with all my heart.

The Canadian Collective

impressus is now a proud member of The Canadian Collective, an Etsy seller support group and community of wonderful and tremendously talented Canadian artisans.

The Canadian Collective has recently launched a new monthly feature on their blog called "In the Spotlight". The star of January's edition was Kathleen Maunder from Trowel and Paintbrush, a watercolour artist from Montreal. Check out The Canadian Collective's website to read up on Kathleen's creative process and to find out more about this fantastic group. 

Images source: http://www.thecanadiancollective.com/

Images source: http://www.thecanadiancollective.com/